Friday, July 16, 2021


Philippines - Staying hydrated helps prevent illnesses during the rainy season.

The sweltering summer days are over as the country’s weather bureau declared the start of the wet season. During this season, we need to keep our guards up because many illnesses emerge.

These include diarrhea, caused by viral or bacterial infection; waterborne illnesses like typhoid fever, cholera, and leptospirosis; and vector-borne diseases like malaria and dengue. 

To avoid contracting these diseases, Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines Inc. (PCPPI) the exclusive manufacturer of PepsiCo beverages in the country reminds the public to keep hydrated, especially that we are in the middle of a global pandemic.

“It is important that we keep our immune system strong. One of the easiest ways to do this is to stay hydrated,” said PCPPI president and chief executive officer Frederick D. Ong. 

To stay fit and protect yourself from diseases, here are some healthy habits you may do.

Eat Healthy

What you consume today will have a huge impact on your health in the future. A good eating habit is one of the most basic practices to have a robust immune system. 

Making a well-balanced meal is simple - just add more fruits and vegetables, choose whole grain food, switch to low or zero fat options, and cut back on sugar. 

Exercise Regularly

Exercising remains one of the most effective methods to strengthen your body during the rainy season. You do not have to buy expensive machines or pay for gym subscriptions. You only need at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. To safely exercise at home, you may check various workout videos online. If you opt to do outdoor walk or run, follow social distancing and other safety protocols. 

As part of your workout routine, replenish what you lose in sweat with sports drinks like Gatorade. It contains electrolytes that rehydrate your body to avoid dehydration.

Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is as important as eating healthy and exercising. A study from the Carnegie Mellon University found that people with poor, short sleep have greater chance of getting sick.

Quality sleep helps uplift your immune system. To get quality sleep, reduce your blue light exposure at night, avoid caffeinated drinks before bedtime, and reduce day time naps, among others. 

Get Hydrate

Proper hydration is vital in having a strong immune system. It detoxifies and flushes out waste materials from your body. It also helps transport nutrients to our organ systems. 

Taking in safe water is a must to avoid infection from water-borne diseases. To have a clean drinking water, you need to boil water for at least three minutes or do water chlorination. Or you can drink purified bottled water, like Aquafina and Premiere.

If you’re moving all day and feel sluggish or tired, that’s because you lose more than just water when you sweat.  You lose fluids and electrolytes. With this, it’s important for us to stay healthy and hydrated with an Electrolyte Drink like Gatorade Ion.

“Even during rainy season, we need to hydrate to arm our body from diseases and keep our immunity in top shape. Over the years, PCPPI has been helping Filipinos achieve that with our hydration drinks,” Ong said. 

PCPPI is the exclusive manufacturer of well-known beverage brands in the Philippines: Pepsi-Cola, Mountain Dew, 7-Up, Mirinda, Mug, Gatorade, Tropicana, Lipton, Sting, Premier, Milkis, and Aquafina.

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